
The 2nd Annual


MONTREAL -April 2021

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, we regret to inform you that the Symposium, scheduled for October 15-18, has been cancelled. The new scheduled date has been tentatively set for April 8 through 11, 2021. The event will be hosted at the Palace Convention Centre in Laval, Quebec. As the date gets closer, we will update you with additional information. Thank-you for your understanding and ongoing support.
Free RegistrationAbout

Business Professionals & Entrepreneurs event

April 2021

Free Confirmation

12 + 2 =

Public Event

April 2021

The Hellenic Canadian Business Symposium will feature prominent professionals from Greece representing four specific sectors. 

These include law, accounting, banking and real estate. The professionals shall offer an analysis of the current situation and working conditions in Greece, providing attendees with valuable insights.

April 2021 - MOntreal - Canada

2nd Hellenic Canadian Business Symposium

Andion, a leading service provider specializing in business development and consultation both in Canada and Greece, is proud to announce the organization of a symposium focused upon the challenges and opportunities when conducting business between the two nations.

About The Event

Hellenic Canadian  

Business Symposium


The Hellenic Canadian Business Symposium will feature prominent professionals from Greece representing four specific sectors of keen interest to financial investors & property owners, etc. These include law, accounting, banking & real estate. The professionals shall offer an analysis of the current situation & working conditions in Greece, providing participants with valuable insights necessary to ensure successful business relationships. In addition, participants will benefit from the vast experience of  Canadian tax expert from major accounting firms who will discuss the impact on these issues incurred by Canadian businesses & individuals.


Specifically, The Symposium shall provide entrepreneurs, professionals & private citizens in Canada information to efficiently manage their business & personal affairs in Greece. This includes investment opportunities in the emerging economy of Greece as well as critical explanations regarding current regulations affecting existing investments in The Hellenic Republic.


The highly experienced team at Andion is particularly excited about the symposium & intends to make it an annual event aimed at encouraging solid & profitable partnerships between Greece & Canada.

About Andion

Andion is a business & management consulting firm with more than three decades of continuous market presence committed to facilitating all your business & personal needs. Our highly trained & knowledgeable team & affiliates in Canada, Greece & USA provide a diversified range of services to ensure new levels of successful growth.


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– Thank you


Our Upcoming Events 

April 2021


2nd Hellenic Canadian
Business Symposium

Business Professionals & Entrepreneurs event

April 2021


2nd Hellenic Canadian Symposium Public Event

April 2021

Private Consultation


Hellenes living in Canada

Hellenes living in MTL & Laval


Years of Experience in Greek Community

Get In Touch

210-5255 Henri Bourassa W. Mtl, H4R 2M6

(514) 904-1242

Email: [email protected]



The content on this web site is provided for general information purposes only & does not constitute legal or other professional advice or an opinion of any kind. Users of this web site are advised to seek specific legal advice by contacting Andion directly regarding any specific issues. Andion does not warrant or guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any information on this web site.