Do you or a relative need to receive a pension from Greece? Am I eligible? These are common questions asked by several Canadian-Greeks. The road to retirement involves pension planning, therefore it requires time and organization. Pension planning is crucial in order to maintain a standard of living, and most importantly to be prepared for unforeseen expenses.
Handling your pension affairs from abroad can be a daunting process. Did you or a relative work in Greece prior to arriving Canada? The first step is to clarify your pension eligibility. After all if you worked for it, so you should be entitled to receive a pension from Greece! In order to make this process smoother, we highly suggest to consult with a professional living in Greece. They can help you gather and complete all the necessary documents. Who do you go to? For your assistance, every year we organize flights for professionals from Greece to attend our event. They can answer all your pension inquiries.
Need help handling your pension affairs? Our prominent professionals can help.
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